Für eine gentechnikfreie Landwirtschaft. Foto: Jordan McQueen / CC0 1.0 / unsplash.com

Protecting the environment. Preserve nature: BUND

Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND) is committed to protecting our nature and environment – so that the earth remains habitable for all who live on it.

About us

BUND stands for Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation) and is an independent, federal NGO that has been dedicated to protecting nature and the environment since the mid-1970s.

With over 650,000 members and supporters, 16 state organizations and 2,300 local and regional groups, BUND is one of the largest environmental association in Germany today.

Mission statement and goals

BUND sees itself as the driving social force for an ecological and social sustainable development in Germany. Its vision is a future-proof country in a socially just and peaceful world – a goal it pursues on a local, regional, national and international level.

Among other things, BUND campaigns for ecological agriculture and healthy food, climate protection and the expansion of renewable energies, the protection of endangered species, forests and water.

It also raises public awareness of environmental protection and nature conservation issues and explains the environmental and health impacts of products and services.

Organization and funding

As a grassroots organization, the strength of BUND lies in the commitment of many people who can contribute through a wide variety of projects and activities.

BUND is a membership association with democratic decision-making structures on all levels. The elected honorary board makes the final decisions for the association on goals, strategies and the use of resources.

BUND is predominantly funded by its own income – primarily through membership fees and donations. BUND is also politically and financially independent. BUND does not accept any financial support from business. While we use public funds for projects, our core work is compeletely independent from state and business money. This gives us a level of political independence which enables us to criticise and campaign against any agent when we consider it necessary.



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BUND as a member of the Friends of the Earth network

Protect the environment globally!

Friends of the Earth International (FoEI)

BUND is deeply aware that environmental problems know no borders. The climate crisis, loss of species and habitats and the depletion of natural resources are issues that affect all of humanity worldwide.

Political decisions made in Germany have a global impact. And the exploitative economic model entwined with our lifestyle battens on our planet.

This is why BUND is also active internationally in its fight for a socially and ecologically just world.

Weltkugel beim Weltsozialforum, Porte Alegre, Brasilien

Friends of the Earth International (FoEI)

BUND is a member of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI). FoEI is the world’s largest network for environmental protection and nature conservation. It is made up of a total of 73 national environmental organizations. Through some 5,000 local groups, over two million supporters work to find solutions to the most urgent ecological and social problems.


Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE)

BUND is also committed to achieving future-proof environmental protection and nature conservation policies in Europe through the Friends of the Earth Europe (FoEE) network. FoEE is an association of more than 30 independent environmental organizations in Europe.

FoEE is particularly committed to campaigning for climate protection, a future-proof energy policy, the conservation of biodiversity, responsible corporate policy, healthy food and more democracy.

Our international work

Header BUND-Arbeitkreis

BUND is not only a member of the Friends of the Earth network. It also works independently or together with project partners on a wide range of issues and projects with an international focus.

Below you will find an overview of the international issues and projects pursued by BUND.


Climate crisis

Eisschollen vor Island. Foto: L.W. / unsplash.com  (L.W. / unsplash.com)

Global warming is advancing at unprecedented levels. BUND aims to achieve the binding reduction of CO2 emissions, limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees, cease the use of fossil fuels as quickly as possible and support the countries and people affects by global warming.

Economy and global trade

Unterschriftenübergabe gegen CETA vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin; Foto: Jörg Farys  (Jörg Farys)

While the EU’s current trade agreements undermine democratic, ecological and social standards that civil society has long had to fight for, there are currently no valid regulations that ensure that corporations stop destroying the environment and uphold human rights throughout their supply chains. BUND campaigns for fair global trade and ecological and social standards in the global economy.

EU agricultural policy

Kühe auf einer Wiese. Foto: Christian Widell / CC0 1.0 / unsplash.com  (Christian Widell / unsplash.com)

From 2021 to 2027, some 32 percent of the European Union’s total budget will be spent on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). However, the EU’s multi-billion-dollar subsidies continue to be allocated mainly based on area – and not on the social commitment of farmers. BUND aims to use CAP to combat the extinction of small-scale farming, the loss of biodiversity and the pollution of water, air and soil.



Wasserverschmutzung  (Yogendra Singh / Pixabay)

The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is a global policy framework adopted by the United Nations to foster the more effective protection of humans and the environment from harmful chemicals. Through the "SAIM beyond 2020" negotiations, BUND is committed to ensuring that the approach really works in coming years.

Strengthening civil society in the implementation of national climate policies

Windkraft-Graffiti an einer Häuserwand in Kiew  (Franziska Sperfeld)

This project focuses on promoting ambitious national climate protection plans in Colombia, Georgia and Ukraine. In order to structure climate policies in a fair, locally relevant and ambitious manner, civil society needs to be involved in the development and implementation of nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The project partners work together with stakeholders from civil society to develop a vision for an ambitious and socially just climate policy, which is then presented to governments and submitted to the revision process.


ToxFox. Foto: Jörg Farys  (Jörg Farys)

More than 1.5 million consumers in Germany use BUND’s ToxFox app to check for harmful substances in cosmetics and countless everyday products from toys and clothes to furniture and electrical appliances. Since January 2020, people throughout Europe have also been able to check other products using an app based on the ToxFox model. Available throughout Europe, the AskREACH app raises awareness of substances of very high concern in products amongst the general public, manufacturers, retailers and importers.
